15 Planned Horror Film Remakes That Thankfully Never Happened

5. The Fly

There have long been rumblings about remaking David Cronenberg's 1986 body horror classic The Fly, itself a remake of Kurt Neumann's 1958 film of the same name. A remake has been talked about since 2003, when Todd Lincoln (The Apparition) and Fox Searchlight announced their intentions to do one, with a 2006 release tentatively pencilled in. Ultimately, this didn't happen. Which is a good thing, since Lincoln's The Apparition was savaged by critics and bombed at the box-office. A few years later, in 2009, rumours circulated that Cronenberg himself was interested in remaking his own film, something which very rarely happens. These rumours turned out to be kinda true, with Cronenberg wanting to explore The Fly's themes and issues once more, but with a modern understanding of technology and new characters. It wouldn't be a direct remake, but a pseudo-sequel of sorts. Budget issues meant that the project never really got off the ground. Elaborating in an interview with Digital Spy in 2012, Cronenberg said:
I think maybe the script that I wrote was a little too radical for Fox, and they felt it really needed to be a very low-budget film at that point. However, what was in it that attracted them could not be done low-budget. So I think that was the problem.
No further word on a remake of The Fly. Be relieved. Be very relieved.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...