15 Pointless Movie Sequels That Just Copied The Original

13. Jurassic Park III

The Original: The Spielberg action adventure classic in which a group finds themselves being hunted by genetically engineered dinosaurs after the park's defence systems are sabotaged. The first sequel, The Lost World, at least attempted to do something different by moving some of the action to the mainland, even if it still wasn't very good. The Sequel: Jurassic Park III, however, is a pure retread: a convoluted set of circumstances leads to Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) being lured back to Isla Sorna (the island from the previous movie), where he and a new gang of hapless entrees are served up for the dinos to dine on. And of course, because the dinosaurs apparently aren't enough of a threat themselves, the filmmakers introduce the movie's version of Dennis Nedry, Billy, a total jacka** who steals two raptor eggs, putting the entire group in danger as a result. Eventually they escape, throw in some philosophical musings about dinosaurs, humans and nature, and you've got a meek regurgitation of the first film.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.