15 Predictions For 2014 Movies Everybody Got Wrong

6. Transformers: Age Of Extinction Will Be Significantly Improved By The Lack Of Shia LaBeouf

The Prediction: Early in the pre-production stages of the fourth Transformers movie, it was made clear that Shia LaBeouf would not be returning as prior series protagonist Sam Witwicky, leading to rampant rumours that Jason Statham was being courted as the new leading man for the franchise. In the end, however, Mark Wahlberg won the role, and most fans let out a sigh of relief that the series would now be commanded by a man rather than an annoying man-child. The Reality: Though Mark Wahlberg is a more tolerable presence than LaBeouf ever was in these movies, he can do little to elevate what is in many ways the most irritating of all the Transformers films. Every poor instinct this series has ever shown is concentrated for maximum annoyance over 165 minutes, and though Wahlberg tries to convince as a concerned father (and an inventor, of course), he's mostly helpless amid the onslaught of howlingly awful dialogue and overdone effects.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.