15 Predictions For 2014 Movies Everybody Got Wrong

8. Transcendence Will Be A Nolan-Level Masterpiece

The Prediction: Christopher Nolan's faithful cinematographer Wally Pfister is directing his own movie? And it boasts an all-star cast including Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman and Kate Mara? And it's an ambitious sci-fi flick with thought-provoking themes? There's no way this one can fail. The Reality: Expectations for this one were high right out of the gate, but it ultimately feels like Pfister attempting to ape the gravitas and style of a Nolan film without really having the script to do so. Pfister's direction is fine throughout, but the plot frequently asks viewers to jump through major logical hoops. and doesn't have a particularly convincing grasp on the nature of technology. The dialogue is also relatively troublesome at times, and the only actor who really escapes without suffering too much is Paul Bettany. The film was dumped on by critics (19%) and made just $3 million more than its huge $100 million budget, making it Depp's fourth starring flop in a row.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.