15 Predictions For 2014 Movies Everybody Got Wrong

9. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Will Be A Significant Improvement

The Prediction: After director Marc Webb and lead Andrew Garfield had to deal with the awkward growing pains and undeniable redundancy of the Amazing Spider-Man reboot, surely the second movie would feel like a proper Spider-Man sequel and get things back on track? The Reality: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is both the lowest-grossing and worst-received of all five Spider-Man movies to date, in large part because it had clearly failed to learn the lessons of the second-worst movie, Spider-Man 3. Much like that catastrophe, this film is overloaded with villains while seemingly struggling to actually fill its bloated 142-minute run-time. Jamie Foxx is horribly miscast in the role of limp villain Electro, Paul Giamatti is relegated to a glorified cameo, and aside from Gwen Stacy's death, there's just not a lot here that evokes more than a dubious shrug. Due to the movie's tepid reception, production on a third film has been delayed by two whole years to 2018.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.