10. Fast & Furious 7 Isn't Great, But Breaks $1 Billion
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise to anyone if next year's Fast and Furious 7 ends up being a hot mess: after all, in addition to the death of Paul Walker requiring his brothers to stand in as his doubles (combined with the assistance of CGI), series director Justin Lin opted not to return for the movie, resulting in inexperienced horror director James Wan taking the reins. That's without even considering the fact that, with the actors facing such a depressing, demoralising shoot, their hearts just might not be in it. Still, even if the movie is totally rough around the edges, we expect it's still going to be a major hit with audiences, who will be drawn to cinemas not only due to the mammoth success of the last two movies, but to catch their final glimpse of Walker on screen. Considering that the previous movie made a staggering $788 million worldwide, we wouldn't be surprised to see the morbid curiosity aspect making this the first movie in the series to break $1 billion at the box office, in much the same way that Heath Ledger's demise unquestionably gave The Dark Knight a firm box office boost.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.