15 Predictions For 2017 Movies That Everybody Got Wrong
3. Tree Is Her Own Killer - Happy Death Day
The Prediction: In an attempt to be a little too clever for its own good, the Groundhog Day-themed horror-comedy will reveal that sorority girl protagonist Tree will end up caught in a time loop where she's her own killer...somehow.
How this would've worked is anyone's guess, but it's just the sort of try-hard twist writers love to shove into gimmicky genre movies like this.
The Reality: Thankfully, the killer reveal is much more simple and straight-forward, with Tree's jealous roommate eventually being outed as the masked murderer.
And despite a hamfisted closing reference to Groundhog Day, the movie is a pretty solid, modest horror flick that certainly doesn't try too hard to appear smart or hip. There's something to be said for that.