15 Predictions For 2017 Movies That Everybody Got Wrong

2. Superman Returns With A Black Suit, Beard & Mullet - Justice League

Justice League Superman Poster
Warner Bros

The Prediction: One of the year's most pervasive rumours suggested than when Superman made his long-awaited resurrection following his death in Batman v Superman, he'd sport a black suit, a large beard and a mullet.

This was even fueled by Henry Cavill himself, who posted close-up images of what appeared to be a black Superman suit on social media.

The Reality: Nope. The Superman we see in this film start off shirtless and wearing jogging bottoms, before wearing some classic Clark Kent plaid, and then finally reappearing in his traditional blue-and-red Superman garb.

As neat as this actually sounded, there's no Dark Superman in Justice League to speak of, and as aggressive as the rumours and theories were, they evidently landed way off the mark.

Above all else, a bearded Superman certainly would've made the infamous moustache-gate controversy a lot easier to fix.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.