15 R-Rated Comic Book Movies That Need To Happen After Deadpool

13. Runaways

Deadpool Bathroom
Marvel Comics

Focusing on a group of teenagers who find out that their parents are all actually members of an evil syndicate known as “the Pride,” Runaways was a cult-favourite comic book when it launched in 2003. As these kids discover their latent superpowers, they use them to eventually defeat their parents and begin to operate on their own. The title had an indie comic charm that propelled it above being just a run-of-the-mill superhero story.

At its core, Runaways offers a challenging perspective for teenagers, something that would almost certainly work in a film adaptation – these characters are going through seismic changes with only each other to really cling to. It really redefines the word “family”, something that a lot of teens are going through and could relate to, without talking down to them or being too dense for them to truly identify with. An R-rating would make the proceedings all the more realistic.

Marvel has actually come out in the past saying a Runaways movie was in the works, but, sadly, the project was put on hold until after Avengers became a massive success. 

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com