15 Recent Movie Characters Destined To Be Iconic

12. Jordan Belfort - The Wolf Of Wall Street

John Wick Keanu Reeves

Based on the real-life memoirs of former stockbroker Jordan Belfort, the quite frankly unbelievable stories are recreated for the silver screen, with the role of Belfort being assumed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Following the fresh-faced Belfort as he secures his first job as a stockbroker for Mark Hanna, a narcissistic drug and sex fiend, who quickly gets his new employee wrapped up in this dingy corporate underworld. Although he experiences rocky beginnings after the events of Black Monday, Jordan quickly bounced back and begun making his fortune in a telemarketing call centre.

Belfort and his neighbour, Donnie Azoff, found their own company, and through aggressive, cutthroat selling tactics and more than a handful of manipulation, they sky-rocket to the top of their game. This all comes at a price though. Belfort nosedives into a world of addiction and adultery, divorcing his wife and illegally making exuberant amounts of money, which does not go unnoticed by the FBI, who begin investigating.

The playboy lifestyle he once led carefree slowly crumbles down around him as he is left fighting to retain his fortune, resorting to smuggling. This coke-fuelled money-madness comes to an abrupt halt when Belfort is informed on and sent to prison.

This powerful depiction of narcissism-turned-megalomania and just how much money and power corrupt is one of DiCaprio's most charismatic yet polarising performances to date, and certainly deserves its spot on this list.

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Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.