15 Recent Movies We're Not Surprised Sucked

13. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Pinocchio 2022
Warner Bros. Pictures

Long before it become a critical punching bag and long before anyone even knew about the "MARTHA!" scene, something just didn't quite sit right with this one. Why? Because, much like the aforementioned Fantastic Beasts, everything about Batman V Superman felt like a desperate cash grab.

An event like Batman and Superman coming together should've been built up to more across several films, and the BVS trailers strongly indicated an overstuffed picture that was too focused on building a cinematic universe to rival the MCU, as opposed to actually being a work of quality that stood on its own.

Furthermore, it was from the makers of Man of Steel, a film that widely polarized audiences, and the casting of Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg as Batman and Lex Luthor respectively alienated many fans too.

Affleck's Batman was great and one of the best things in the movie, but all the other pre-release fears were largely proven correct. Batman V Superman is just too bloated, messy and sequel-baiting to truly work and its critical failure came as no surprise.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.