15 Scariest Stephen King Movie Moments

5. The Bathroom - The Shining

The Shining Bathroom
Warner Bros.

This is very much proof - if ever it were needed - that one should never trust something that looks too good to be true in an environment that has already started to look a little bit ominous.

Beautifully framed by Stanley Kubrick, the scene follows Jack Nicholson's Jack Torrance into what appears to be a normal bathroom - shot from his POV for maximum effect. We see what he sees from his restricted point of view, so we share his fascination at the sight of a mysterious naked woman, and we're invited to share his attraction.

That's what makes the reveal that she's actually a seemingly decomposing old woman (at least covered in scabs and sores) all the more profoundly affecting. And there's just something about the perversity of her nudity as she approaches Jack, laughing that makes it even more scary.


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