15 Scariest Stephen King Movie Moments

13. Hobbling - Misery

Misery james Caan
Columbia Pictures

As every Youtube celebrity has discovered thanks to the site's WONDERFUL comments section, fandom can be very weird. Weird and dangerous, actually. And nothing sells that message better than Misery, Stephen King's story of misguided love and appreciation.

And the crowning moment in that film comes when Kathy Bates' Annie Wilkes discovers that her love - author Paul Sheldon - has been snooping around her house and trying to escape. In a stunning, visceral act of retribution, she gets out her sledgehammer and hobbles him, with a slow-build that is truly harrowing to watch, particularly as James Caan squirms and pleads for mercy.

The breaks themselves are bad, but it's Annie's demeanour that's the worst...


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