15 Scariest Stephen King Movie Moments

8. The Tentacle - The Mist

The Mist

Frank Darabont's The Mist is very much under-appreciated, even as it's recognised as one of the finest Stephen King's adaptations (to be fair, the competition isn't all of great quality). It's effectively scary, it has flashes of what Darabont would bring to The Walking Dead and the end is astonishingly affecting.

And even if that harrowing ending is the most memorable in the film, there's another more gripping earlier when the survivors are attacked by the tentacles of the unseen creature and Norm the bagboy (much more recognisable as American Pie's The Sherminator) heroically (foolishly) volunteers to go outside and ends up being dragged off.

This and the spider attack scene are the two best in the movie in terms of inspiring reactions, and as this is the first real glimpse we see of the mysterious threat, it deserves to be considered the better of the two.


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