15 Simple Fixes That Would Have Made Jurassic World Awesome

4. Less B-Movie Dialogue, More Wit

With the hope that Jurassic World would be the best of the three sequels came the hope that the tone might veer closer to that of the original. If the first film was a relatively sophisticated work of entertainment, the second and third films were more disposable, silly B-movies, and sadly, so was Jurassic World. The dialogue is pure cornball from start to finish, largely lacking the fascinating pseudo-scientific rooting of the original, possibly because it doesn't have a fantastic Michael Crichton novel as source material. The lack of ambition as far as the dialogue goes pretty much makes it clear immediately that the film is much closer in tone to the two previous sequels, even if it manages to be a fair improvement over them. Still, for such a long-awaited sequel, this one really should've swung for the fences, and it's surprising that Steven Spielberg signed off on such an underwhelming script.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.