15 Stunning Facts About 2016’s Biggest Movies

12. Uwe Boll Tried To Make A Warcraft Movie...But Blizzard Said No

Batman V Superman Lex Luthor Tom Hanks
Universal Pictures

If you're not familiar with Uwe Boll, he's the schlock filmmaker behind countless dire video game movies such as House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, Bloodrayne and Far Cry (yes, there's a Far Cry movie).

Though it ended up being directed by Duncan Jones to mixed results, the end product could've been an abject disaster if Boll had gotten his way, as he aggressively petitioned Blizzard to sell him the rights back in 2008.

Boll said of his quest, "I got in contact with Paul Sams of Blizzard, and he said, 'We will not sell the movie rights, not to you...especially not to you. Because it's such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income.'"

It's probably worth keeping this Darkest Timeline version of the movie in mind when trashing the Jones version.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.