15 Stupid Harry Potter Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

6. The Teleporting Wand

Harry Potter Wounds
Warner Bros.

Credit where credit is due, Timothy Spall's performance as Peter Pettigrew is absolutely exceptional and nuanced to perfection. Bearing in mind the character of Wormtail had spent more than a decade in his Animagus form, Spall captures the rodent-esque tics and movements beautifully.

With such a talented actor at their disposal who had clearly invested many hours into developing his character, it is utterly ridiculous that the production team would make Pettigrew the exponent of one of The Goblet of Fire's most blatant gaffs but maybe Spall himself should have called them out on it.

After murdering Cedric Diggory with his master's wand, Pettigrew stashes Voldemort's wand in his left coat pocket with his right hand as would be normal for a right handed wizard (assuming they don't keep it in their trousers, of course). The Dark Lord is then reborn in a new body and requests his wand so he can get down to business but Wormtail has clearly been practicing his parlour tricks.

Having lopped off his right hand as part of the ritual to resurrect Voldemort, Wormtail uses his left hand to retrieve the wand from his right coat pocket and it's absolute madness that no one caught this. He literally has no right hand until Voldemort magically restores it for him so why did no one think about this?


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.