15 Stupid Harry Potter Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

11. Harry's Mysterious Teleporting Ability

Harry Potter Wounds
Warner Bros.

It can't be easy working as a continuity editor in modern film-making purely because there is usually a lot to remember and multiple takes shot from multiple angles of just about every scene - it's definitely a job where you'd find yourself writing things down... like where people were sitting, for example.

Well, you would think so but no. Across almost all of the Harry Potter movies, there are instances of characters changing places with no explanation and no feasibility on almost every occasion. Sometimes it's a minor character or even an extra who apparates in a completely different location but The Philosopher's Stone gives us one such example wherein it's Harry Potter himself playing musical chairs.

As you can imagine, most of the continuity errors of this kind take place in the crowded Great Hall scenes but this is unforgivable as the crew completely forgot where Harry was sitting prior to their most recent cut. After the Sorting Hat does its thing and Harry takes his seat opposite Hermione, he casts a glance at the suspicious looking professor Snape and when the camera cuts back to Harry he's on the other side of the table right next to Miss Granger.

There really is no excuse for this as even if it were a reshoot, surely someone had looked at the original footage just prior? Surely?!


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.