15 Terrible Looking 2015 Movies That Will Shockingly Make A Profit

1. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

Why It Looks Terrible: Though no footage has been released so far, the plot synopsis is enough to give a pretty clear indication that this is going to be business as usual for the Paranormal Activity franchise. A family moves into a new home, is terrorised by a demon, probably all get killed by Katie (Katie Featherston), and the movie then ends on another lame cliffhanger, or something like that. The series has only produced two genuinely good entries to date (the first and The Marked Ones spin-off), so why expect any different this time? How It Will Make A Profit: Even though the three-year gap since the last core movie will probably hurt the box office grosses, the budget is a mere $5 million, and considering the lowest series gross so far has been $90.9 million, even one third of that would rake in significant profits for Paramount. These movies are pretty much critic-proof, and even if it sucks, it's still going to take great advantage of that Halloween release date (which it smartly moved to from the originally planned, totally misguided March date). Which movies do you think look the worst in 2015? And which are most likely to make mad bank? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.