15 Terrible Scenes In Awesome Comic Book Movies
11. Kryptonian Priorities - Superman
Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. Without it, Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn't have a career. But those rose-tinted glasses can even help us overlook flaws in films as revered as the original Superman movie. Christopher Reeve was the first superhero that audiences could truly believe in and his performance as Krypton's Last Son is yet to be bettered, despite a valiant attempt from Henry Cavill. However, there are occasional moments in the franchise which have not held up well today, no matter how much you of a fan you may be... Yes, you know exactly what we're referring to.
After Lois Lane dies in the final battle, Clark decides to turn back time by flying around the world super fast, because... comic books. With zero consequences and even less thought into how such a feat could irrevocably destroy the space-time continuum, Superman does the deed and then carries on his merry way, flying off into the sunset.
Let's face it. Most of us would also go that extra mile for a cheeky bit of horizontal tango, but this is Superman we're talking about! The entire scene raises a huge number of questions, including whether Superman physically spun the earth round backwards or whether it just looked like that because time was changing. More importantly though, why doesn't Superman just time travel whenever a villain is about to defeat him or he loses a game of monopoly? These are the big questions people.