15 Things Horror Remakes Did Better Than The Original

13. A Nightmare On Elm Street -  Freddy's Backstory

Nightmare On Elm Street Remake
New Line Cinema

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) is not ageing well at all, but it still retains a reasonable amount of bite and it's certainly better than this 2010 remake.

A lifeless and sleepy (sorry) horror flick with almost no scares, this is yet another terrible slasher remake that falls short of the original in most, yet not all, areas.

The remake Freddy's backstory far better. In the original, Freddy was a child-murderer when alive and he's going after the children of the adults who killed him after he was released on a technicality and this is just conveyed through exposition.

In contrast, the remake gives Freddy a far nastier and more effective origin story that's shown partly through some very creepy flashbacks, meaning it follows the "Show Don't Tell" rule of screenwriting better.

In the remake, Freddy was a paedophile who sexually abused the main characters at their nursery when they were children; they told their parents, who then killed Freddy.

This was arguably a good narrative change and the only thing in this remake that was actually shocking and disturbing. Yes, it's very unpleasant as well, but the genre is called Horror for a reason.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.