15 Things That Almost Completely Changed The End Of Harry Potter

5. And Harry's Great, Great Grandson Was Going To Be The New Dark Lord

Terrifying Devil Baby Attack Prank

What Happened

In the original books, none of Harry's progeny become evil, and it took until The Cursed Child to really mess with any of them becoming embroiled in any Dark Arts at all.

What Could Have Been

The final revelation of Palast's weird ending comes in the form of an apparently evil baby, which would have set up a possible sequel, more than 100 years after the end of Voldemort's second reign.

After being scolded by his wife/bird for not going to his own party, Harry insists that " I have to keep an eye on the boy for a bit” - the boy being his great, great grandson.

And how do we know he's evil? Well, thanks to this preposterous couple of lines:

"the boy... not yet able to walk, silently played on the rug with his chocolate frog. Then suddenly, in inexplicable anger, little Tom crushed the candy animal. Harry watched this, and knew the whole world would soon darken again for generations to come."
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