15 Things That Almost Completely Changed The End Of Harry Potter

4. Lupin And Tonks Lived

Harry Potter Lupin And Tonks
Warner Bros.

What Happened

Even now, it's hard to forgive JK Rowling for killing off Lupin and Tonks and turning their son Teddy into an orphan in his infancy - especially after everything Lupin had already gone through. But then Lupin did dare to be a sort of quasi-father figure to Harry, which made him dead meat.

Ultimately, the pair were killed, side-by-side in the Battle Of Hogwarts, and an ocean of tears threatened to wash away all of the ink on the book's pages.

What Could Have Been

While she deemed killing Ron and Arthur Weasley too devastating, Rowling admitted that while she initially planned to keep the pair alive, she ended up killing them, causing herself "a lot of pain".

They were ultimately deemed to be the perfect candidates for sacrificial lions, heroically cut down in battle to tell the true cost of war, and it's hard to argue that it wasn't impactful.

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