15 Things Wrong With Interstellar

1. The Ending

And finally, there's the ending, a mix of wild convenience, nonsense and lingering questions that don't really prove satisfying at all. Firstly, Cooper is rescued from outside of the wormhole by a NASA vessel with just a few minutes of oxygen left. Even acknowledging that this may have been intentional on the part of the advanced future humans, it's still an immense contrivance, a deus ex machina that lets Cooper get out too easily. Then there's cringe-worthy, tonally misjudged scene in which adult Murph finally works out the gravity equation, leading to her screaming "Eureka!" numerous times while throwing her scientific papers into the air and kissing Topher Grace. Eeek. Then Cooper finally makes it back and has a tender reunion with Murphy (now about 80 and played by the wonderful Ellen Burstyn), but the meeting lasts about a minute before Murphy tells him to leave and find Amelia. So, that was it? They don't get to hang out and catch up? He made all this effort to keep his last promise and she basically wasn't that bothered in the end? And then there's the fact that, until Cooper finds her, Amelia has been left to raise presumably several hundred children all on her own, which sounds like a fate worse than death. What did you make of Interstellar? Get debating in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.