15 Things You Didn't Know About The Toy Story Movies

6. Pixar Almost Deleted Toy Story 2 Entirely

Toy Story Tin Toy
Buena Vista Pictures

When Pixar started work on Toy Story 2, they originally intended for it to be a straight-to-video hour-long sequel, rather than the feature-length cinema release we all know. This might have meant that the Toy Story franchise would never have turned in to the massive box office success it eventually became.

But even after it was decided that Toy Story 2 would be a fully-fledged sequel to the first film, Pixar almost lost the movie entirely due to a major error by one of their employees.

During production, a member of the Pixar team inadvertently entered a code that deleted almost everything on the computer. They tried desperately to find the back-up files of the animations, but that didn’t work either.

Thankfully, a female director had recently had a child and had been given a copy of the files to allow her to work from home, she was able to take the files back to the studio and prevent everyone from having to restart the whole movie from scratch. Phew!

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Toy Story
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Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.