15 Things You Didn't Know About The Toy Story Movies

8. Hasbro Denied Pixar The Use Of GI Joe

Toy Story Tin Toy

Like Mattel, Hasbro were also reluctant to allow Pixar to use some of their best-selling toys in the original movie.

Pixar wanted to use Hasbro’s GI Joe in the first film, but when the toy manufacturers learned that the filmmakers wanted to have Sid blow up a GI Joe doll, they denied their request. This forced Pixar to create their own version of the doll, Combat Carl.

Hasbro’s decision likely also had something to do with the lack of faith toymakers had in the first movie. Many toy shops did not order enough Toy Story dolls to keep up with the huge demand after the film's release.

The writers made reference to this in Toy Story 2 when ‘Tour Guide Barbie’ is showing the gang down the Buzz Lightyear aisle in Al’s Toy Barn. Barbie says, “Back in 1995, short-sighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand”.

Take that toy manufacturers!

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