15 Things You Didn't Know About The Toy Story Movies

9. Mattel Didn’t Want Barbie In The First Toy Story As They Thought The Film Would Flop

Toy Story Tin Toy

Although Barbie became part of the gang later on in the Toy Story franchise, she was conspicuous by her absence in the first movie.

The writers had intended on using Barbie in a fairly significant role in the first film, but they were unable to get the rights to the iconic doll and instead used Bo Peep for the part.

Mattel, the creator of the Barbie doll, did not want their prized creation to appear in Toy Story as they believed the film would be a flop. They were also against the idea of Barbie having a defined personality, instead preferring to let children give their own specific Barbie doll unique characteristics.

However, after the overwhelming success of Toy Story, Mattel relaxed their stance and allowed Barbie to be used in the subsequent sequels.

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