15 Things You Didn't Know About When Harry Met Sally

3. Who Harry And Sally Were Based On

when harry met sally

The character of Harry Burns was somewhat based on director Rob Reiner himself. At the time, he was deflated, derisive and neurotic but always a good guy deep down. His thoughts and feelings post-divorce and single were written into Harry’s character.

Sally Albright was also somewhat inspired by writer Nora Ephron. She was easy going, generally positive, cheerful and the type of person who was “just fine" with everything.

Also, Sally’s infamous picky eating, which you either relate to or find completely irritating? They are also based on Nora Ephron. Reiner noticed it after she ordered her food in such a particular way, and when he questioned it, her response was “I just want it the way I want it”, a line spoken by Sally in the film.

Allegedly, years after the film came out, Nora gave a very precise order on a plane journey and the stewardess asked “Have you ever seen the movie When Harry Met Sally?”.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid