15 Things You Somehow Missed In Shaun Of The Dead

5. “We’re Coming To Get You Barbara”

Shortly after Shaun and Ed learn of the zombie outbreak, they speak to Shaun’s mother on the phone and promise to go and help her. As they hang up the phone, Ed says to her “we’re coming to get you Barbara”.

This line is yet another subtle reference to George A. Romero’s Night Of The Living Dead, in which one of the characters mocks Barbara’s fear of the potential zombie attack by sarcastically saying, “they’re coming to get you Barbara!”

The line was so subtle in fact that Romero himself didn’t even recognise it as a reference to his movie until Edgar Wright pointed it out to him.

Despite this, Romero was a big fan of the movie and ended up casting Wright and Simon Pegg as zombies in his 2005 film, Land Of The Dead.


Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.