15 Things You Somehow Missed In Shaun Of The Dead
1. 'Rage Infected Monkeys’ Bulls**t
There are numerous examples
of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright paying tribute to multiple classic horror movies
in Shaun Of The Dead, but the filmmakers also didn’t shy away from poking fun at the genre.
This included a reference to the fairly bizarre fact that the word ‘zombie’ is rarely used in zombie movies. Shaun tells Ed off for saying the ‘Z-word’ when they are checking outside for the undead creatures.
The movie also offers a playful jibe at Danny Boyle’s 2002 British horror film, 28 Days Later, for blaming the zombie-like outbreak in their film on monkeys that carry a ‘rage’ virus that ends up infecting the human race.
A news report towards the end of Shaun Of The Dead, voiced by director Edgar Wright, dismisses claims that the outbreak was caused by ‘rage infected monkeys’ as “bull-“.