15 Things You Somehow Missed In Shaun Of The Dead

10. The Planned Pub Crawl Gives Away The Events Of The Film

Shaun Of The Dead 1
Universal Pictures

Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright are known to subtly forecast future events in their movies and their best example of this comes in Shaun Of The Dead during a seemingly normal conversation between Shaun and Ed.

After Liz breaks up with him, Shaun is drowning his sorrows in The Winchester as Ed tries to cheer him up. Ed suggests a fairly standard plan for the two to go out on a drinking binge the following day, but on closer inspection, this pub crawl actually gives away the entire plot of the film.

Ed’s plan is as follows:

“A Bloody Mary first thing, a bite at the King’s Head, a couple at The Little Princess, then stagger back here and bang! Back at the bar for shots”

Mary is the name of the woman they find in the garden, Phillip, Shaun’s Stepdad, gets bitten by a zombie, ‘a couple at The Little Princess’ refers to David & Dianne and Liz, they pretend to be infected and ‘stagger’ back to The Winchester before firing ‘shots’ from the bar at the zombies.


Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.