15 Totally Flawless Movie Monologues

14. Let Us All Unite! - The Great Dictator (1940)

No Country For Old Men Tommy Lee Jones
United Artists

The film which changed the way audiences viewed Charlie Chaplin for the rest of his career, The Great Dictator directly contributed to the filmmaker's tragic fall from grace, despite being seen as one of the greatest political satires ever made.

The Great Dictator was made as a comedic attack on Adolf Hitler and the rise of fascism, with Chaplin taking duel roles as the Barber, a Jewish soldier who comes face-to-face with the fascist regime, and the titular dictator, Adenoid Hynkel.

In the movie's final act, the Barber finds himself mistaken for the general - and vice versa - leading him to finally say his piece to the world.

In a rousing speech, Chaplin addresses the audience and makes a plea to equality, humanism and hope, calling out hate, greed and the futility of war. It's a powerful speech that swells to a searing finale, where he raises his fist in a defiant yell of peace: "In the name of democracy, let us all unite!" Wow.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Be excellent to each other.