15 Most Underrated 1980's Movies You Must See

1. After Hours (1985)

Martin Scorsese's After Hours is one of the director's best films. It's certainly one of his most fun, yet it remains a little-know curiosity to most. The 1980's was a good decade for black comedy (hell, this list has a few of them) but none of them rival After Hours. Scorsese almost made the film by accident: Tim Burton was originally scheduled to direct it and Scorsese was hard at work on pre-production for The Last Temptation Of Christ when funding for it was cancelled. Burton stepped aside and Scorsese wound up directing After Hours to keep his mind off the disappointment of Last Temptation. Paul Hackett (expertly played by Griffin Dunne) is a lonely New York yuppie who leaves his apartment one night to meet a strange girl (Rosanna Arquette) that he met in a down town coffee shop earlier in the evening. Basically, Hackett's intended romance goes incredible wrong and he is left to get back home with no money while evading several unhinged characters. Though not well received by audiences, it was a minor hit with critics and at film festivals, winning Scorsese the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival. A must-see for Scorsese fans or anyone who has been on a date that's gone horribly wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMYk34uwFro What other great eighties movies have been overlooked? How many of these have you seen? Let us know in the comments below.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...