Jim Jarmusch is the king of indie cool. Long before Tarantino hit it big, Jarmusch was entertaining audiences with his brand of unique cinema. The film is a portmanteau comprising of three segments that are centred around a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. The stories revolve around a young Japanese couple who are obsessed with Elvis, an Italian widow who is taking her husband's coffin back to her home country and a down-on-his-luck guy who gets drunk and has a night he'd rather forget. Yes, the film is quirky, as almost all Jim Jarmusch films are. It didn't do well upon release and has since become one of the least-regarded films in Jarmusch's career but it deserves better. The witty dialogue, improbable situations and performances from Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Steve Buscemi, Joe Strummer need to be seen by more people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb0yBDSqTfs