15 Unforgettable Moments Which Made Guardians Of The Galaxy

5. Gamora VS Nebula - Chick Fight!

So much for sisterly love. As part of the multifaceted final battle at the end of the film we are treated to a sprawling hand-to-hand fight scene between Thanos' adopted daughters, and it's a beauty. Nebula, played by Doctor Who's Karen Gillan, is a ruthless cyborg killer, and there's little love lost between her and Zoe Saldana's Gamora. Their brutal fist fight sends us reeling across the hull of the Dark Aster (which, incidentally, has to be one of the most bloody terrifying warships you've ever seen in a film), featuring some fantastic martial arts and bendy girl bits. These two lean, mean killing machines are stunning to watch in the heat of battle. What makes the scene of particular interest for fans of Marvel film continuity actually has more to do with its sequel. Why? Because, when Nebula drops from the Dark Aster after being defeated by Gamora, we see her commandeering a passing ship and scorching into the distance, never to be seen again. We can only imagine that the unexplained disappearance of a major character like Nebula points to one thing: her continued presence in the sequel.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.