15 Unforgettable Moments Which Made Guardians Of The Galaxy

6. Yondu Udonta Pokes Holes In A Field Of Soldiers

Ravager leader Yondu is a delightfully nasty piece of work, skilfully played by Walking Dead's Michael Rooker. Quite different from the Yondu character from the standard Marvel universe, he does have one very unique facet which carries through to the movie - his deadly yaka arrow, which he controls with nothing but a whistle. We're teased a number of times through the film, Yondu revealing his arrow from its holster and threatening to be let loose, but we're kept waiting until right near the end to see what it's capable of. When Yondu's ship is downed during the intense finale, we find him stranded on the battlefield completely outnumbered by Ronan's Sakaaran grunts. It's not looking good for the blue badass. Many viewers may have anticipated a sad death for the strangely loveable renegade, but Yondu is not to be underestimated - without breaking a sweat, he unleashes his arrow and sends it screaming straight through around twenty soldiers in perfect arcing swoops. In an instant he has cleared the battlefield, and we're satisfied knowing that this mystical arrow is as frightening as it was hinted to be.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.