15 Unforgettable Moments Which Made Guardians Of The Galaxy

13. Meet The Guardians Of The Galaxy

How many times have you gone into the cinema with high expectations based on a killer trailer, only to be bored to tears when you realize that the trailer showed the only entertaining parts of the film? Thankfully Guardians Of The Galaxy bucks that trend, but there are still cuts from the trailer which make for stand-out moments in the movie itself. The police line-up scene where we're introduced to the core members of the Guardians is one of these. We've seen this same thing played out many times before, but the subtle details of James Gunn's direction turn an otherwise cliched scene into something very unique. Watching as this motley crew are paraded before the Nova Corps authorities, it's hard not to feel instantly attached to these misfits. Peter Quill's middle-finger prank is ultra-cheesy, but still fits the quirky tone of the scene.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.