15 Upcoming Movies That Are Essentially Rip-Offs

1. American Ultra Rips Off... The Long Kiss Goodnight

The Original Movie: Samantha Caine (Geena Davis) lives a seemingly regular life as a dedicated housewife and mother, but she's got a mysterious past that she's desperate to figure out. After a car accident, she suddenly discovers incredible knife skills, and when she's attacked a short time later, she's able to effortlessly kill her assailant. As it turns out Samantha is actually a brilliant CIA assassin who went missing 8 years prior, and as she tries to avoid agents out to kill her, she also has to rescue her kidnapped daughter. The Ripoff: Stoner Mike Howell (Jesse Eiseberg) has an encounter with a mysterious woman (Connie Britton) which seemingly activates his dormant abilities as a government agent. When attacked by two men, he effortlessly kills them with a spoon, and soon enough a fleet of agents are sent to eliminate him. Also, when Mike's fellow pot-smoker girlfriend Phoebe (Kristen Stewart) is kidnapped, he has to save her. While on the face of it American Ultra might initially sound like a stoner take on The Bourne Identity, the plot similarities to Shane Black's movie are just far more consistent and blatant. It's basically the same core plot but with the relationships changed up a little (girlfriend rather than daughter, male protagonist rather than female), and the stoner comedy aspect thrown in. Which upcoming movies seem the most familiar to you? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.