15 Upcoming Movies You Had No Idea Were Happening

13. Bad Moms Spin-Off... Bad Dads

Bad Moms - Mila Kunis

Release Date: TBA

After last summer's Bad Moms made an impressive $180+ million at the box office, it wasn't much of a surprise that a sequel was fast-tracked into production, with A Bad Moms Christmas hitting cinemas this November, but now a gender-swapped spin-off is on the way too?

Gender-swapped movies are a new trend that's typically leaned towards stereotypically male-targeted movies like Ghostbusters and Ocean's Eleven getting all-female reboots, but here it's going to slide in the other direction.

It's a somewhat forced idea for a spin-off given that the whole premise of the original movie was, "Hey, women can be reckless slobs too!", and there's not nearly as much ironic surprise in a bunch of irresponsible, lazy husbands doing irresponsible and lazy things (unless the movie features a new group of buttoned-down dads who let loose).

Don't be surprised if the new Bad Moms movie includes some sort of post-credits set-up for Bad Dads, and that's really the only way anyone's going to have a clue that this thing is actually happening.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.