15 Vile Scenes Involving Bodily Substances (Other Than Blood)

14. Finch Lets Rip (American Pie)

When Finch pays his friend Jessica $200 to spread a series of rumours about him around school that exaggerate, amongst other things, his sexual prowess, one of those rumours is that he kicked Stifler's ass. In an act of revenge, Stifler (knowing that Finch hated using public toilets) fills his mochaccino with laxatives. This forces Finch to rush desperately to the school toilets, where Stifler 'helpfully' directs him inside. Little does Finch know that he'd been directed in to the female bathroom and, while he is sat on the toilet, some girls walk in. Not wanting to embarrass himself, he tries to hold in his desperation, but he can't and he lets rip, producing noises and smells normally associated only with hell itself. Upon completion of his toilet deeds, he is greeted outside by Stifler and a large, laughing crowd.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.