3. Blood Dolls (1999)

Blood Dolls is yet another Charles Band movie with killer toys (remember, he did Puppet Master and Demonic Toys). What is it with this guy and dolls? It would seem to me that creating a bunch of dolls and constantly placing them in exact positions for a film would be much more expensive than hiring some starving actor to play a monster. Maybe he just loved dolls as a kid and never got past that love. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I enjoyed this movie. There are so many EXTREMELY weird things in it that I lost count in the first few minutes. Why does the evil millionaire wear a mask? Why is his head so small? Why is there a midget with an eye-patch in a tuxedo? Why would you make a killer pimp puppet? Why are there naked female band members in a cage? Just flat out weird.
Weird or Wonderful? - Weird . Definitely weird. Very, very weird.