15 Worst Characters In MCU Movies So Far

2. Malekith

Malekith Dark World
Marvel Studios

Thor: The Dark World should have been a lot better than it was, but it ended up being a catalogue of errors starting with its terrible tone and ending with the presentation of Christopher Eccleston's Malekith as a glorified Doctor Who monster of the week.

He might have looked reasonably cool and his plan to take over the universe using the Aether was eye-catching, but the film was so badly written that Malekith ended up feeling like a passenger in his own story. He simply wasn't interesting enough to carry it, and Loki was a far more memorable presence. Again.

His motivation is there, but he's a totally surface level character with very little actual development and even less dialogue and when that spaceship drops on him it's hard to really feel much either way.

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Thor MCU
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