15 Worst Comic Book Movie Sequels Ever
8. Iron Man 2
Iron Man caught lightning in a bottle when it launched the MCU, thanks to a combination of strong story-telling, excellent casting and the charisma of Robert Downey Jr. Inevitably, the follow-up was even more hyped - particularly as it was set to add Mickey Rourke (when he wasn't a joke) and the always excellent Sam Rockwell as new villains.
Unfortunately, all of the film's good ideas - like Tony's dark spiral into alcoholism and depression and the idea of the villains - were lost in uncharacteristically sloppy fashion as Jon Favreau made easily his worst film. On reflection, it feels like the work of a disaffected director answering to his pay-masters (and watching Chef now feels like an allegory for making this film), but whatever the case, it remains one of the biggest low-points in the MCU.
And when the rest of it is so good (aside from a couple of exceptions), that lack of quality really shows.