15 Worst Comic Book Movie Villains Of All Time

7. Laurel Hedare - Catwoman

Laurel Hedare Sharon Stone Catwoman.jpg
Warner Bros.

Played By: Sharon Stone

The problems with the Catwoman spin-off were so numerous that you could spend days talking about them and why it all went so wrong. But there are some fairly simple things you could pick out for a start: firstly, it wasn't the proposed Tim Burton spin-off starring Michelle Pfeiffer, and secondly, every one of the characters was a mess.

A good villain might have actually made up for the inferior version of Catwoman we got from Halle Berry, but in their wisdom, the scriptwriters decided to instead introduce Sharon Stone's cosmetic industry mogul with a fetish for eternal youth. The world was hardly going to end over face-cream.

Her motivation is silly, Stone is not very good with the poor material and the whole package was as regrettable and forgettable as the film itself.


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