15 Worst Superhero Movie Costumes Ever

2. Everyone In The Movie (Batman & Robin)

Batman And Robin
Warner Bros.

Sweet merciful Christ, where to even begin? Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin is basically the most expensive, calamitous fashion show known to man, with basically every piece of superhero or supervillain attire in the movie inspiring uncontrollable laughter.

Let's begin with the titular duo themselves: poor Batman (George Clooney) and Robin (Chris O'Donnell) are once again saddled with Schumacher's weird penchant for putting nipples on the suits, to say nothing of the comically vacuum-formed pecs and abs.

Yet weirdly, Batgirl's (Alicia Silverstone) suit plays things a little more coy with the Bat-nips, presumably due to society's baffling aversion to baring the female variety. All three costumes have one thing in common, though: needlessly sexualised protusions, with the guys' crotches and Batgirl's breasts being cupped by their suits despite it giving them zero tactical advantage.

But the villains have it just as bad as the heroes, if not worse: Mr. Freeze's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) cryo-suit is overly cumbersome and messy, Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) looks like a Halloween costume somebody's mum cranked out on a sewing machine the night before, and Bane's (Jeep Swenson) attire looks more like a gimp suit than anything, to say nothing of the painted-on veins.



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.