15 Worst Superhero Movie Moments Since 2000

11. The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Cliffhanger Ending

Batman V Superman Martha

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 isn't quite as bad as you've heard, but it is still an undeniably disappointing sequel that was butchered by studio interference.

It also has one of the worst superhero movie endings of recent times: an annoying abrupt cliff-hanger that ends the film just as Spider-Man's about to start a new fight with Rhino (Paul Giamatti). This ending scene displays the general messiness that plagued the entire movie.

Peter Parker's return to being Spider-Man following Gwen Stacy's death feels incredibly rushed, Spider-Man's exchange with a little boy in a Spider-Man costume (who blocks Rhino's path for no real reason) is poorly-written and, in an already over-stuffed movie with two other under-developed villains, the inclusion of Rhino was a mistake. It was an even bigger mistake to waste the brilliant Paul Giamatti on such a weak villain and have him doing a goofy Russian accent.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.