15 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Horror Movies

11. Halloween II (2009)

Beau Is Afraid
Dimension Films

The Halloween series has mastered the art of making people exclaim "WTF?!" over the years. The many ill-judged creative decisions, Michael Myers' endless resurrections, Halloween III's choice to tell an entirely different story, Halloween: Resurrection's reality-show-themed horror, Halloween Ends focusing on a new killer while giving Michael Myers only 15 minutes of screen-time... the list goes on.

Nevertheless, when it comes to sheer out-there weirdness, there is nothing that can possibly compare to 2009's Halloween II, Rob Zombie's sequel to his 2007 remake. This is quite arguably one of the strangest horror sequels ever put to film, in which Michael Myers (Tyler Mane) spends most of the runtime with his mask off and having bizarre visions of his dead mother with a white horse. In fact, a large chunk of the film is taken up with strange and pretentious dream sequences. 

Aside from Michael, the other major characters are taken in odd directions too, with franchise heroine Laurie Strode (Scout Taylor Compton) going mad and devolving into a killer while Dr Loomis (Malcolm McDowell), in a complete 180 from his reasonably sympathetic characterisation in the 2007 film, is all of a sudden a complete bastard profiting from Michael's murders. 

And the cherry on top of the cake? It features cameos from Weird Al Yankovic as himself and from future Oscar-nominee Octavia Spencer, playing one of Michael's many victims. 

Is Halloween II a good movie? Not really, but if nothing else Rob Zombie deserves credit for his ambitious approach to the material.  

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.