15 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Horror Movies

10. Seed Of Chucky

Beau Is Afraid

Seed of Chucky is another baffling horror sequel where it's hard to know what exactly the creative team were going for. 

So, in this one Chucky (Brad Dourif) and Tiffany's (Jennifer Tilly) androgynous child Glen (Billy Boyd) travels to Hollywood, where a film is being made about Chucky and Tiffany's murderous exploits.

Glen resurrects his parents, who quickly get back to their old goal of getting into human bodies. They now plan to transfer their souls into... Redman the rapper (playing himself) and the real Jennifer Tilly. Oh, and they also murder Britney Spears in one scene. As you do.

As that plot description alone should convey, this is one abominably stupid movie. All the subsequent Chucky films (and TV show) have largely acted as if this movie's story never happened, which really says it all. Aside from a single great joke - a reference to The Shining - this is an entirely unfunny and irritating horror comedy in which all of the meta content just comes off as insufferably smug.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.