15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

6. Kong Knocks Himself Out

So we finally arrive to the epic battle on Mt. Fuji between Kong and Godzilla. This is the big finale; the main event we€™ve been waiting for. Honestly, it€™s a decent fight. It€™s well choreographed and paced so that both monsters get their time to shine. There are moments, however, where Kong comes off as quite the buffoon. At one point Kong attempts to throw a rock at Godzilla, only to inexplicably flips himself head first directly into a rock. This hits Kong so hard that he actually manages to knock himself unconscious. It is absolutely priceless, even if you can€™t make much sense of it. Just chalk it up to Kong acting stupid. Of course Godzilla takes advantage of the opportunity to attack Kong while he€™s unconscious, kicking boulders at him and slamming him with his tail. There is even a moment where Kong tries to wake up, but Godzilla smacks him back asleep. It€™s a fun fight, and this is one of the highlights.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.