15 WTF Moments From King Kong Vs. Godzilla

5. A Second Of Stop-Motion

The Godzilla series, and nearly all Japanese giant monster films, utilise suitmation to bring the monsters to life. This is of course true of King Kong Vs. Godzilla; every time you see Kong or Godzilla they are being portrayed by hard-working men in rubber costumes acting amidst beautifully handcrafted models. Well, most of the time. There is one moment near the end of the final fight where Godzilla kicks Kong, and it stands out because it is created though a very crude use of stop-motion. It is the only instance in the entire film where this technique is used, and despite being a mere second of film time, it takes you completely by surprise. Perhaps it was a call back to the same technique used to bring the original Kong to life, or maybe the necessities of the shot required it. Either way, it draws attention to itself precisely because of its brevity.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.